#my brain's spin-off was some kind of backstory
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namelessprince · 1 year ago
i had a dream that i got some kind of pd spin-off graphic novel and it was so cool :'( if only she was real
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captainpetebradshaw · 2 months ago
so i watched 2x22 "the wire" for the first time today and it was a near religious experience so you're getting my thoughts on it under the cut
I love how comfortable they've gotten with each other; talking books? disagreeing about books? garak asking if julian can't just use his status as a doctor to get them to skip the line?
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"perfect health, huh??" julian is so offended by garak lying to him about his condition lol
"i'm a doctor, not a botanist" is this some kind of star trek tradition?
"why can't he just tell me what's going on?" "it sounds like you're taking this personally" "i suppose I am... It's just that garak and I have been having lunch together once a week for more than a year now" once a week?! for more than a year?!
and then julian angrily stabbing dax's plant in frustration. let it out.
unsure if quark called julian to come get the absolutely hammered garak from his bar because he's the doctor or because julian is literally the only social contact quark could think of for garak???
"i prefer to drink somewhere quiet" "quiet? excellent idea... we'll go to my quarters" "whatever you want. but first i must make a stop at the infirmary" guess garak wasn't drunk enough for that little trick
but he was drunk enough to not notice the bottle hand-off to quark
"make it stop, make it stop..." aww no, poor baby!
julian using his doctor credentials to basically break into garak's. guess they ended up in his quarters after all
"if i was ever tortured, [the implant] was designed to stimulate the pleasure centers of my brain to trigger the production of vast amounts of natural endorphins" i gotta say, that has some freaky fucked up potential for fanfics and i can't wait to see how often it has been appropriated in the last 30 years
"living on this station is torture for me, doctor. the temperature is always too cold. the lights are always too bright. every bajoran on the station looks at me with loathing and contempt" ah yes, the autism experience
"why don't you just shut the damn thing off?" julian, do they teach nothing about addiction in med school?
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i had to rewind this scene a couple times because i was chanting "kiss! kiss! kiss!" in my living room and didn't listen to a word they said. the 4:3 aspect ratio is also doing its thing
"has it ever occured to you that i might be getting exactly what i deserve?" "no one deserves this" julian going from all that taunting and appealing to garak's pride to this???? unexpected softness incoming
garak telling this story about how he is responsible for so many people dying and julian just saying right now he's just concerned for his health and won't let him die??? "you need to turn that implant off and whatever withdrawal symptoms or side effects you may experience, i promise i'll help you through them" like this is insane. i assumed people shipped them for a reason (and lower decks made them "canon" for a reason) but i was LIVING watching this.
it also has to be said that andrew robinson is acting the ever living shit out of these scenes - fantastic
even odo can't get past protector mode chief medical officer doctor bashir
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staying by his bedside? for hours???
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shoulder touch denied!!!
it's wild, garak must be suffering so much in that moment but he's still spinning up some new potential backstory. maybe this time it's not a lie but we just don't know.
"and so they exiled you" "that's right! and left me to live out my days with nothing to look forward to but having lunch with you." "i'm sorry you feel that way. i thought you enjoyed my company." "oh i did! and that's the worst part. i can't belive that i actually enjoyed eating mediocre food and staring into your smug sanctimonious face. i hate this place and i hate you." "ok, garak." addicts do get just absolutely hateful so this sounds pretty spot on to me.
on a side note, i don't think i could have done lunch every week with julian. he is smug and he has a big ego and i relate to the other senior officers who were sometimes a little condescending in their reactions when he was boasting about something or other. but that's ok, i don't have to. garak enjoyed it, it seems.
garak: you still have to learn the truth julian: heart eyes motherfucker
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"why are you telling me this, garak?" "so that you can forgive me. why else? i need to know that someone forgives me"
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"i forgive you. for whatever it is you did" "thank you, doctor. that's most kind"
so julian goes and finds the guy who's kind of responsible for garak having that implant in the first place. it's also i think the first time julian acknowledges they are friends?
"how sick is garak?" "he's dying" "and you're trying to save him?" "that's right" "strange... i thought you were his friend?" "i suppose i am" "then you should let him die. after all, for garak, a life in exile is no life at all"
"thank you" "don't thank me. i'm not doing garak any favors. he doesn't deserve a quick death. on the contrary. i want him to live a long, miserable life. i want him to grow old on that station surrounded by people who hate him, knowing that he'll never come home again. "what a lovely sentiment" "and it's from the heart, i assure you" <- that made me laugh
we learn garak's first name!
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he's well again! back to the regularly scheduled lunch date!
and he's got a new book recommendation for julian, how nice
"what i want to know out of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren't" "my dear doctor, they were all true" "even the lies?"
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"especially the lies"
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smiley boys!
this ended up being more of a collection of my favorite quotes from the episode but that's fine with me. it's my post.
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b0nten · 1 year ago
[SYNOPSIS] ˚⁀➷。 albeit rarely, rindou overthinks, and frequently, ran doesn’t think too much.
[NOTES] ˚⁀➷。 this is like the “backstory” for the ring. MAYBE i’ll turn it into a multiple part. i also put it in the timeline where everyone is happy because i really love everyone being friends. wrote it because rays’s version destroyed me !!!!!!!!!!!
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he spins the ring on his finger. he slides it off. he looks at it. he lets it hang from his neck, on the chain. he sighs.
“now what the hell is up with you?” barging in, ran asks. “who shat in your cereal every morning for the past two weeks?” he says, opening the kitchen cupboard to take — funny enough — some cereal out.
“i’m not in the mood, ran.” his younger brother spits back, head falling against the wooden table.
“hey now, there’s something really wrong with you if you’re acting like .. this.” pointing at him, he sits down, fat bowl of cereal clashing against the dark block, spilling some milk onto it. “now, spill.” with mouth full, he tries to choke out the words, spoon in his brothers face the moment he gulps down the first mouthful.
“you’re gross sometimes.” rindou just sighs, looking away.
“what’s with the ring?” ignoring the insult, the lanky haitani just continues his questioning. “by the way, the blue doesn’t look that bad on you.”
“it’s mine, and i got a matching one for y/n.�� the other explains, “thanks, by the way. it was her idea to dye it like this.”
“you wanna propose to her?” his older brother asks, chewing loudly. “y’know we’re still just teenagers?”
“no shit, big head.” rolling his eyes, rindou feels the exasperation dig its roots deeper into his brain. “i’m not proposing. yet. but i don’t know if i should give it to her.” he finally says, letting ran in on his worries.
“and why not? what’s that? cartier, right?”
“no brand can escape your gaze, you’re really unbelievable.”
“thanks, bro, love you too.” as he swallows his last spoonful, ran winks.
“not in a good way.” the younger sibling announces, earning a displeased look from his brother.
“now you’re the annoying one. fuck’s going with you two?” ran finally snaps, trying not look worried. after all, he loves his brother, but they don’t do that kind of talking.
“she’s leaving next week” rindou finally manages to choke out.
“what? what do you mean?” his brother asks, taken aback by the sudden information.
“her student visa’s expired. she’s gotta go back home until gets it renewed.”
it pains him to even think about it. he hasn’t eaten in almost fourteen days, ever since he found out. but what pains him even more is how excited you are about going back home. about going away from him.
he thinks it’s selfish, because he knows how much you’ve missed your parents and how much you’ve waited for a holiday that’s long enough to return.
“if the flights take four days in total and i want to stay for two weeks, then i’d rather not go anymore.” you always said. “i want to spend as much time as possible, without having to rush anything, y’know?
but maybe sometimes love is all about being selfish, loving someone with your whole heart. maybe he wants to never let you leave without him. maybe he can’t let you leave without him because he can’t stand not being an 8 minute subway ride away from you.
“don’t tell me you got some of those control issues, the pretty tiktok girls say they’re not cute at all…” ran comments, dodging an uppercut by a mere second.
“can you take me seriously for once? i think she wants to break up with me, she called me over today saying we have to talk.” rin frowns, blond-blue bangs covering his tired eyes. “i shouldn’t have believed that tiktok reading that said good news are coming my way.”
“you’re so fucking dumb, lord have mercy.”
“excuse me, ran?”
“you’re excused. let’s get this straight: does it really matter to you wether she’s oceans away or in meguro? what do you think she’s gonna do, break up with you only to return in three months and see you everywhere? do you really think y/n’s that kind of girlfriend? throw away three years BECAUSE OF A VISA?! fuck outta here with that insecure crap, rin. i raised you better than that.”
on the inside, ran smiles. oh, how he loves knocking sense into his younger brother. truly the best activity.
“now go and talk to her.”
rindou hesitates.
“i won’t say it nicely the second time around.” the older one threatens, and rindou jolts up from his chair and bolts through the door, house slippers still on, door wide open. before ran can say anything else, rindou’s voice echoes from the staircase into the kitchen:
“i’ll buy a new pair when i get back, don’t start bitching, please! i’ve got a girl i have to convince not to break up with me!”
his older brother laughs as he pulls out his phone.
sister in law
(16:22) he’s on his way.
then, a ping fills the empty space.
sister in law
(16:23) already talked to mikey. everything’s going great.
(16:23) love you, big head
maybe ran’s not gonna tell you the reason rindou is running like a maniac through minato ward right now.
ugh, is his head really that big?
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tagging: @h4nman BECAUSE YOU MADE ME CRY😡😡😡 ; @sirachano0dles <3 i might start a taglist if i make this into a multiple part fic?!?
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popponn · 1 year ago
things about sae.
it's sae's turn in my brain microwave. i want to understand you, underlashes senior. headcanons +observation+ rambling. spoilers, will be updated as time goes on.
scathing, mean af vocabs. pretty rude even as a child. but compared to rin, his cursing seems to be much tamer.
is REALLY focused on soccer. but also said in the character interview to not "only be able to/focus on soccer like him".
but in his introduction to u20 shows that he seems to value someone who goes all in to soccer. and it's kind of in line with the things he "admits" and chided. example a: shidou and isagi being individuals who are undeniably soccer obsessed (though on isagi's case as they haven't even talk, if i remember correctly, this might be more because of isagi's way of winning through "making use of luck"). example b: things he said in the u20 introduction in response to sendou.
headcanonish but this guy is giving me "burnout gifted child" vibe with all the prodigal status, expectations, and being hit in the face by the world. like what are you. are you satisfied by marina??????
there are few moments where he displays something that is pretty close to 'praise', but say it not to the related person/group himself. (i.e. his thoughts of blue lock in locker room, his comment about "dont switch out any of the u20 member".)
like is he being not nice on purpose????? honestly probably. headcanonish, but if seeing his way of giving comments to rin pre-spain, it's been like that since he was little. (i will check rin's ln again later)
in contrast to rin having "natural luck", this guy seems to more " making/seeking luck". but idk yet, with only ice cream sticks as clues. sae backstory and ln spin off when.
his eyes during the confrontation with rin in that snowy night are pretty expressive. but since visual cues leave a really wide room for interpretation + bllk tendency to subvert things, i will not comment. but honestly i really agree with the sentiment that sae was hurt by rin's words, but in the end the discouragement seems to come more from a place of "i don't want you to get hurt so just go home and don't play soccer anymore" (very very hc and more of an interpretation, as sae's pov is still non existent)
aka yeah, this guy is shit at displaying concern and any sort of care. headcanon but. do you see the vibe??? with rin???? like it's similar. what is this genetic.
simple fashion, but pretty trendy and chic(?).
this guy seems like a family guy who misses his family a lot. (please make up soon with your lil bro)
watches chibi maruko chan. has habits that genuinely reminds me of old people (drinking tea, looking at sea, thinking of family).
people at blue lock think of him as someone who seems to be good at study, but looking at the pattern of hyperfocused people in blue lock it either goes two way: a) his skill at everything else is questionable at best, abysmall at worst ; b) he is an all-rounder indeed.
but then again there is also the third type aka "good at football, still functional at everything except communication and emotional management skill".
his way of talking in jp is, to put it simply, pretty casual like guys his age. the thing that are the rudest part of it was his choice of words and the fact that he seems to talk like this to everyone. even his elder. and also the way he is very blunt in expressing his opinion.
but somehow that bluntness is gone when it came to showing vulnerable emotions. talk about emotional constipation.
if his character interview is reliable and unbiased, as it is from sae's own pov, his relationship with his parents seems okay.
genuinely wondering about his parents' canon response to his and rin's cold war.
does he even have friends. no like seriously.
his brother and him are really similar in many ways. rin is probably copying him in some ways tho—that, or rin's own issues. or sae's own issues.
please just make up with your brother. (2)
after spain his bang is gone. as in he just pushed them up. in u20 it still went down sometimes in a few panels.
he likes numbers. maybe he really is smart.
genuinely looking at him like "please get a hobby" not even as an insult but out of genuine concern. this dude has so many issues and the burnout child prodigy vibe is real strong with this one.
but not fully his fault. pretty much live alone overseas, probably with no friends his age and just a manager as his support system, went through a crisis, is a (probable) family loving guy with his family far away from him, then came home to his beloved lil bro he spoiled and dotted on and shared a dream with saying hurtful things to him on his lowest point. and not supporting his new decision and dream. from sae's pov, it's brutal.
i can defend rin on this too tho. honestly please talk to each other, itoshi bros. or acknowledge that maybe neither of you were in not in the best state of mind during that confrontation.
seems logical and he does likes numbers. but honestly, he just acts as he wants—look at how he talks to journalist, how he has 0 hesitation to leave an ongoing match.
went to spain at 13 according to rin's spin off novel. also mentioned to "hate to lose" and seems to be a strict perfectionist.
must be noted however that how rin sees him seems to be very biased. a bit of rin analysis/hc, but there seems to be "putting nii chan on a pedestal" going on there. how their childhood truly is from sae's perspective is still unknown. on rin's part tho, seems to be a very nice period.
is rich. so the snobby rich condescending guy aura is probably not that far from the truth. his sense of money seems to be a mess, as a few hundred millions is a small amount for him.
this guy seems to be picky with who he respects and he really doesn't hold back in disrespecting someone he doesn't. even higher ups and older people.
does skincare canonly.
doesn't seem to have friends so far...? (nel arc, before pxg match) but if we look at how rin is now, unsurprising.
in rin's novel, rin's physique is mentioned to be "better" than sae's actually. with how "rin wins in luck" while sae "loses" motive exist through the ice cream sticks, probably this motive will come up again when sae appears again.
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treasure-mimic · 7 months ago
Okay, I feel like I have to get these thoughts about Deadpool and Wolverine out or they're gonna drive me crazy. I saw the movie last Thursday and it's not left my mind since then and I kinda wish I could just blurt it all out in response to the dismissal of the movie but like it's so specific to me that I don't even know if it's a valid rebuttal to that kind of thing so I just. I'm just gonna say it now as its own thing and we're gonna run it. Okay? Alright.
Major spoilers for Deadpool and Wolverine, btw.
It's kind of hard to know exactly where to start on this thing that D&W does that really captivated me, so like, bear with me, this is gonna start in a weird place.
I have a mild fascination with the concept of continuation in fiction. On its face that's not so strange, most fiction, especially nowadays in an age where the goal is almost always to become an ongoing franchise, one of (not necessarily the) central goals of a fictional work is to immerse the viewer into its world to the point where they believe that it exists within context. There is the work itself, there is backstory which establishes the context of its setting and characters, and barring situations where the ending of the work is that the world ends, something of it is presumed to continue to exist after the fact whether that be the characters or the world in context of the characters. While the band of fictionalized time composing the work itself strictly "exists" in the same sense that the pipe in Treachery of Images "exists", the before and after periods don't even under such loose definitions of existence, they are pure implication under the notion that events tend to have context, a gap that the brain intuitively fills in. At least until the work has a sequel, which itself will have an implied context of before and after which itself will vary in its level of existence depending on the distance between it and the previous work and if it too has a sequel.
That's a really long and complicated laying out of a concept that I think most people intuitively get, right? It's one of (again, not necessarily the) founding motivations behind fanfiction. When a work ends with "and the adventures continue" we seek out ideas of what those adventures could be and some people will naturally be drawn to filling it out with their own ideas. If I can be allowed a quick plug here, I'm currently writing a novel that's partially about the after of a character trying to bring about the end of the world. But, like I said, I think most people intuitively get the appeal of that, what I find most interesting about this subject isn't just exploring the surrounding context of a work of fiction, that can be done with a sequel or a prequel or a spin-off.
What fascinates me most, what I'm just enamored with, is the implied continuation of existence in bad media.
How many godawful movies have ended with a "To be continued..." even til today. And how many times has the predominant criticism to that decision been, "who cares?" We, the consuming public, are uninterested in the continued investment in this world and these characters and whatever conflicts may remain. But, the work still exists, it was made and cannot be unmade, and in that is the implication that no matter how you feel about it, through implication, so too exists a continuous existence in both the directions of before and after.
A few years ago I wrote a massive crossover multiverse fanfic which had a really complicated selection process for what characters would be involved that isn't relevant to my point, but one of the flourishes at the very end was replacing the intended inclusion of Lancelot with a hypothetical version of the character from Guy Ritchie's ill-conceived and incomprehensible attempt to kickstart a King Arthur Cinematic Universe in 2017, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (seriously, this is one of my favorite bad movies of all time, it is a bizarre combination of elements from superhero movies and gangster heist films and loose, untethered understandings of English antiquity). To be clear, this character does not exist in the work itself, Lancelot never appears or is even implied to appear in the work itself, likely planned for an eventual sequel or spin-off that never occurred due to how much the movie underperformed financially. But the eventual existence of a Lancelot is nonetheless an implication by the very nature of the work's existence, regardless of how little anyone actually wanted to see it. I find that fascinating, and seemingly I'm not the only one, considering I wasn't even the first person to write fanfic of this hypothetical non-existent version of Lancelot.
Let's bring it back, shall we? The promise of the Marvel multiverse as of right now, regardless of whether you like it or not, is not (at least wholly) an exploration of the cascading effects of character choices and outcomes of natural chaos, but an exploration on the notion that every story has continuation. The turning point, in my opinion, was Spider-Verse, not the 2018 animated film, but the 2014 comic series it's loosely adapted from. That's not to say the concept had never been applied before, the run itself took inspiration from Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions and the finale episode of Spider-Man: The Animated Series, but 2014's Spider-Verse was what ultimately codified the concept of a multiverse of adaptations rather than variant outcomes. It was an exploration on if 616 Spider-Man met 1610 Spider-Man met Noir Spider-Man met 2099 Spider-Man met cartoon animal Spider-Man met animated Spider-Man met video game Spider-Man met manga Spider-Man, pre-existing works which were created by disparate creators whose only intentions were only to make standalone entertainment, recontextualized by interaction with one another and by the newfound confirmation of their continued existence. Spider-Ham didn't stop being when the run of Marvel Tails ceased, he continued to exist in the same context and continued consistency of that appearance and now he's capable of talking to a version of himself that kills people.
But Spider-Verse also showcases the other end of that concept, the continued existence of bad media, the "who cares" mentality. Quick primer if you're unaware, the original comic book Spider-Verse run was not predicated on a well-meaning Kingpin using the multiverse for personal reparation but a race of interdimensional energy vampires who feed on the souls of Spider-Man variants. This is where most of the bad media Spider-Men are sent, killed by these Inheritors, in many case in comedic fashion, with their mere existence as the source of comedy, contrasted against such dark themes.
For example, here's the Spider-Man that only exists in custom print ads for Hostess sponge cakes.
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Killed unceremoniously because, nobody's favorite Spider-Man is the Hostess sponge cake ads Spider-Man, but by bringing him back decades after these ads quit running it implicitly asks the reader to understand that this Spider-Man and his context and his consistency continued even when the ads don't.
Now, this is a reason why I honestly, personally really dislike the original Spider-verse run, dark comedy is obviously the tone Dan Slott is going for, but I think the overall effect is so much more grim than I ever wanted because, like, I do care. Even if I don't like the story, I do care about this version of Spider-Man being killed while on his way to a date with MJ. I care about the implication of continuation of bad media.
To finally, finally bring it back to the ostensible subject of this post, what I find so enticing about Deadpool and Wolverine's story is that it's able to explore both sides of this concept. Within the framework of the movie, the Void is a very implicit metaphor for discontinuation, both in the sense of corporate media distribution rights but also want for continuation. Rather than the victory lap of Avengers: Endgame, rather than returning to the Captain America and Hulk of of 2012's Avengers or the Gamora and Nebula of Guardians of the Galaxy, Deadpool and Wolverine asks us to remember and revisit bad media. Tim Story's Fantastic Four, X3, the Elektra not of the Netflix adaptation, but of the delightfully edgy Daredevil and Elektra films (another of my favorite bad movies of all time). Deadpool explicitly asks, hey, can we get help from the cool character that people like, and gets told no. They aren't here. You get us.
Now, obviously this has some qualifications, because it's not all that. While Blade 3 is universally reviled, Blade is obviously the point of reference for this depiction as evident from the visual and textual callbacks, it is ultimately a Disney product, nostalgia is still a major driving force.
Still, this depiction allows the film to explore both ends of it. The Void as a metaphor for discontinuation and lack of interest, similar to the killing of pointless Spider-Men that nobody likes in Spider-Verse, their existence within the context of their stories is over and cannot be returned to. But it also implicitly asks the viewer to consider their continued existence, to process that they didn't just go from the existence we saw to the non-existence of now, that regardless of how much people cared about these products at the time, the characters do still exist and can't not exist in the context of an all-canon multiverse that Marvel has now. That all-canon is not exclusively composed of that which is still profitable and endearing to general audiences.
This paratextuality comes to a head with the credits sequence, a surprisingly loving tribute to the entire breadth of Marvel properties under Fox. Not just the ones universally liked, not even just the ones brought in for this film, not even just the ones in the band for newly forming 00s nostalgia, but films like Fant4stic and Dark Phoenix. You can't pick and choose, you must acknowledge everything. And by showing behind-the-scenes footage rather than finished film, it asks the viewer to understand these movies, these universes, this whole completed fiction with implied context, not as the product of a studio simply deciding to put something out but of the effort of hundreds, sometimes thousands of individual people. There was an attempt, failed or no, to create a story here, and inarguably, it succeeded.
That is why I've been enamored with Deadpool and Wolverine since seeing it several days ago, beyond the jokes and the homoerotic subtext and the excitement of seeing new things from the source material brought to the big screen in the last moments that they're still possible to bring back, it struck at me specifically because it shares my fascination with the continuation, the irreversible existence, of bad media.
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oncemorewithqueering · 2 years ago
star trek tos season 1–my summaries
i just finished a watch of season 1 of star trek tos season 1, and i would like to provide a (very) accurate summary of each episode. no one should let me have a Netflix account i stg
pilot: large veiny-head things make cishet male think about green ladies dancing at him. he then psychologically alters the green lady’s mind to be filled with lies.
the man trap: so here’s the thing. this lady really needs salt. also, bones. for some reason (just jk he’s perfect)
charlie x: annoying teen is annoying and also tries to kill everyone. but don’t worry, kirk saves the day while also being shirtless. yay.
where no man has gone before: this is an x files episode
the naked time: spock wants his mom, kirk kind of wants to kiss the enterprise and there is irishphobia
the enemy within: kirk wears a fuck-ton of eyeliner and sulu is chilly
mudd’s women: ooh sexy ladies ep number 1/2367
what are little girls made of: kirk spins while naked and chapel and uhura kiss :)
miri: the studio had this set lying around, and also kirk hits on a teenager
dagger of the mind: i don’t really remember this one tbh
the corbomite manouver: kirk just fucking goes for it. just lies for 40 minutes. goals
the menagerie part 1 and 2: clip show but good and gay and sad :(
the conscience of the king: kirk has a tragic backstory??? that explains it
balance of terror: why is sarek a romulan commander? did he and amanda fight?
shore leave: bones and everyone else goes insane. also finnegan and more irish stereotypes. kirk has made it clear; the irish are the enemy
the galileo seven: whyyyyy do they all hate spock
the squire of gothos: english dude throws a hissy fit
arena: GORRNNNNN and spock is proud his bf is doing science
tomorrow is yesterday: kirk flirts with someone who could very well be his great great great great great great great grandfather
court martial: spock uses ‘being gay’ as a valid point that will hold up in court
the return of the archons: 1984 but with spock in a cape. a computer is god but is clearly made of cardboard
space seed: khan is sexist in the way only a 90s man can be
a taste of armageddon: everything was fine until kirk showed up
this side of paradise: spock flirts with women despite being a homosexual
the devil in the dark: a shag rug pizza hybrid emotionally connects with spock. bones uses cement, but doesn’t like it, jim.
errand of mercy: klingons do not look like worf and that really threw me off guys
the alternative factor: what twin peaks season 2 shit is this
the city on the edge of forever: so good. i imagine existential crises are how bones wakes up all the time though
operation: annihilate!: small farting brain cells attempt to kill kirk’s nephew and his husband
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years ago
For fun, I am just gona tell you all what kind of writing projects I am working on at the moment...
I still have about half of Like the Red Rose blooms in the Oxford Garden not written. But this work is in the active publishing stage right now so you all should read the first chapter already which is out. This is basically the story of Gastón and Nina at Oxford, and the road that leads them to their happily ever after. There will be lot of romance and this story is T-rated for real reasons. There will be ocs, and even cameos from people you wouldn't maybe think of. All my multi-chapters have an acronym that I often use when talking about the story. For this is it GOS for Gastina Oxford Story
El Lugar más Feliz de la Tierra is the multi-chapter that will be coming after GOS and is called by short RCgtDL. It is a story about Luna getting a wild idea that she wants to go to Disneyland and she and Ambar end up taking everyone there on a birthday trip. Roller Crew at Disney will reign chaos
I am very actively writing this wacky SL S2 Au about Sharon firing the Valentes after finding out about Sol, instead of making Ambar Sol. Monica and Miguel find a job from another upper-society family in Buenos Aires... Two little more newcomer millionaires of Buenos Aires: Isla and Marco Perida, who unannounced to Luna happen to be the parents of her bestie's boyfriend and the best friend of the guy she is in love with... This right now does not have a name and is going to just be a one-shot, but I am treating it as more of a multichapter pilot, so to say. So it can be picked up as a multichapter if there is demand and ideas. This honestly is just a crazy idea I have had flowing around in my brain. It will not be that character-driven and more of "wouldn't this be funny if it happened?" event-driven.
Then I have a story about Aurora Perida and Stella Balsano finding a certain book in the Blake library and they end up traveling back in time and seeing some certain scenes of their parent's past. This also doesn't have a name nor is it in very active writing and I am kind of thinking this could be my birthday fic for this year. This can be called a kind of like a spin-off from MOT.
The other one isn't in the most active writing at moment, but this does have a name. World es mi Familia is a story where I dive into more out there headcanons about Gastón's family that I have. You see, he had two aunts and 9 cousins from his mother's side who still live in Cordoba, but here's the catch: there is one branch of his family that he has never met nor even knows about... because actually, his aunts are actually only half-sisters of his mother. Isla's biological father, Jorge Sulandre, walked out of her and her mother when she was a baby. She was later adopted by Joakim Vasquez, her mother's husband and the father of her sisters. So about 8 years pos SL S3, Gastón, and Nina are back at BA and living their best life as a married couple when Gastón gets a call from Evelyn Sulandre, his cousin. This story relies heavily on the backstory I have for Gastón's parents and how they grew up in poverty at Cordoba. This story also will just be a one-shot and will probably have an open end, but we'll see
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azems-familiar · 1 year ago
My first impression
oh this man's a bit arrogant isn't he. kinda hot though
My impression now
i am chewing on the walls.
Favorite thing about that character
he's got gifted kid syndrome out the ASS
(i love everything about him. he's so fascinating he's my little blorbo i want to spin him around in my brain)
i also really love his relationship with his brother, Cay (the song "the killing kind" on the playlist i linked below is for their relationship). it's deep and tragic and it hits so hard every time
Least favorite thing
EVERYTHING about his ending. this is not his fault but Holy Fuck i cannot believe what they did to my boy
Favorite line/scene
"how do you plead?"
"i don't plead with fools."
Favorite interaction that character has with another
when Exar shows up to rescue him on Coruscant and they spend the whole time bantering and bitching with/at each other. i'm so normal
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
....Exar. okay outside of that? Mandalore. i honestly think their relationship is fascinating and i wish it was focused on more than just as brief mentions for why Ulic has the Mandalorians' loyalty for war
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
from the SAME fandom, i accidentally made my Revan a massive Ulic parallel, so. there's that. uhhh from another fandom....hm. that is a difficult one. i'm....not sure i can think of any? he reminds me a lot of Anakin Skywalker in some ways, the golden son who fell and became the very thing he fought against, but most of the other media i enjoy doesn't have quite that same like... vibe about that narrative that star wars does, you know?
A headcanon about that character
i am not going to go into excruciating detail about my entirely made-up backstory for him but the important big deal is that his father was from House Panteer, the Alderaanian ruling family, and was only a few degrees removed from inheriting the throne, so Ulic is a royal and could, with some judicious assassinations and court games, actually end up the lawful heir to Alderaan
A song that reminds of that character
let me just.....
An unpopular opinion about that character
i do not fucking care what the comic tried to do and say, Ulic wasn't "under the influence" and "out of his mind" the whole time, his fall was a choice, it was intentional, the dark side poison made his anger stronger but he chose to stay, he chose to do all that! also cutting him off from the Force was the dumbest and least cathartic ending possible. ugh.
Favorite picture
i don't have it on hand because you can't screenshot from the site i use to read these comics anymore, but the panel where Arca is dying in his arms and he's on his knees holding his body? yeah. that one.
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ice-and-starlight · 2 years ago
It's been a few days, but if you were still interested in that ask meme....
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
=D Yeay! An ask!
Hooooo, okay, so, I have a LOT of fanfic that I'm theoretically working on/daydreaming about that doesn't get shared, but, uh, lets see what's not too horrifying to share...
I spent a couple of weeks a few months ago binge-watching Criminal Minds, and got infected by a plotbunny of Dean Winchester/Aaron Hotchner(/Haley Brooks) as a sort of... fix it crossover where, because they're both protagonists from rather different genres, their different approach manages to fix things in the other 'verse.
As in, Dean kills Foyet in proper I'm-fresh-out-of-hell-and-you-did-WHAT-to-my-boyfriend?! style. With added bonus 'you think you're good with a knife? Boy, have I got some things to show you. Say hello to Alastair for me when you get down there'.
And Hotch (and the team) profile the fucking devil so well they manage to talk him down from trying to wipe out humanity. (He goes off to fuck up heaven instead.)
I've gotten bits and pieces of, well, backstory written up, plus some 'Dean meets the BAU' and 'Hotch meets hunters' scenes that I love, but I've gotten stuck on something really stupid and just haven't managed to get my brain to move past it, so I haven't actually written the parts I started writing the story for yet ^^" (this happens to me a lot).
What else?
I have been working, on and off, on a Critical Role Time Travel AU that's actually kind of a spin-off of my very first Critical Role fic which is 'Molly lives rent-free in Caleb's head for the entire rest of the campaign' because as I was watching it I was constantly thinking 'but how would Molly react to this?!' so I wrote it (some of it).
And then I thought 'okay, but what if, okay, I know time-travel is supposed to be semi-impossible, but what if it is technically POSSIBLE, it's just that going backwards through time essentially destroys the soul/spirit/whatever, EXCEPT, of course, that when Caleb does it, he has a BONUS SOUL coming along for the ride, and it's basically enough for Molly to get through more or less intact?'
And then the Moonweaver is like 'fuck, you are my Most Troublesome Worshipper, what am I going to do with you?' and Molly is, you know, themself, so the Moonweaver, also being a goddess of lovers trysts, nudges things until Lucien ends up with twin baby brothers (Molly and Kingsley are both Aspects of the same being, and thus inextricably linked, so bits and pieces of Kingsley got dragged along for the ride, only not enough for him to have more than Weird Instincts) and a bonus Moonweaver Cleric mum.
Was this an excuse to write canon!verse Tealeaf triplets? Yes. Yes it was.
Did it turn into a Ridiculous Epic Saga of the Tea Leaves (Molly, Kingsley, Caduceus, Keg, and Ophelia Mardun) treking across all of Wildmount trying to save people from the future and stumbling into messes along the way? Yes. Yes it did.
Did I actually manage to write any of the actual story? No. I wrote backstory instead, and ended up mostly writing about the adventures of two separate Parent Squads that are probably... 40-60% OCs? doing a tiny little Molly's bidding. It very much became a And You Get A Parent And You Get A Parent And You Get Three Parents story.
I have Such Plans for this AU (including, importantly, a Shadowidomauk endgame), but, alas, actually writing it is proving... difficult.
One more for luck?
Hmm... I have Ideas for a Peaky Blinders AU based on my Little Sallyanne fic? It's not very well fleshed out yet, but it definitely results in Sally murdering the shit out of her brother's terrible wife, adopting her nibling, and going on to severely fuck up nazis when WWII rolls around.
This one is Percolating, and I'm really not sure what I want to do with it, exactly. Just general Vibes of Tommy being the feral gremlin mentor to my beloved feral gremlin child. (Also, Sally getting semi-adopted by Alfie Solomons, maybe, because here's this child going around claiming to be Jewish when she's not, and Alfie's like 'no, either you fucking Stop That, or you commit to the fucking bit' and Sally's like '-starry eyes- Okay Dad'. I would have to do a lot of research to do this justice because I'm aware that I don't know enough to know how to write this properly ^^" Basically, I just want everyone adopting her like a starving feral cat who will absolutely bite the hand that feeds her)
Technically, I think you can say that things like Never Simple, Not All Who Wander, and the various other unfinished things on my writing blog are all on a backburner right now? As well as the next instalments in my Somewhere Just Beyond My Reach and Gramarye and Trapped In The Amber series also count. I am Thinking About Them a lot, but there's either not enough for me to get my teeth stuck into, or my teeth are stuck and I can't chew on them properly =P
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sepublic · 2 years ago
hihi this is a general purpose one from the oc and creators ask game feel free to narrow it down to ur faves (which i know we arent supposed to have but come on now) or from ur oc canon as a whole !!
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Applying this question to my OC canon as a whole... Not really? My OCs are usually made in response to the story bringing up a role that suddenly needs filling. So for example, Lloyd and the other kids need a teacher at Arkley's, particularly one they can actually relate to, one who's genuinely concerned for them? In other words, that one nice teacher that everybody likes and remembers? Well, I fill in that spot and from there create Trexdis, throwing in character concepts and ideas that I've had floating about, and have always wanted to incorporate into something, before working from there.
In essence; The story needs a character, be it to flesh out a group, and/or provide a certain function/relationship to our characters. To serve as a piece of world building, because surely someone has to be in charge of this, etc. And from there, I look across a vast collection of bare-bones ideas and concepts for characters I have floating around; Stuff like a certain aesthetic, an unusual power I've wanted to toy around with... The basic structure of a backstory that informs their personality and motives, their mentality in life, that sort of thing.
Each concept doesn't have to be its own individual character, either; It's better if I combine a few to add more facets to an OC, while avoiding a crowded quantity over quality situation. Certain personalities and backstories are often devised from pieces of media I've liked, and wanted to try my own spin/take on...
For example, the Ensemble! I've always enjoyed the trope of the villains employing a mercenary that ends up working with them full-time, so what if the good guys did that instead? So I need at least one mercenary. And I was fascinated by the idea of a 'human' whose brain was actually a computer, essentially making them a robot in a meat suit, a natural reverse to the cyborg when it comes to the flesh-machine interface.
But what if we took that a step further? What if there were multiple robots in meat suits... And they were all synced? Because I like the idea of a singular mind spread out across multiple bodies, whom are more like different limbs than their own individuals, despite appearing as such. Robots are well-equipped to pull that off, and I have one operating a human body... So I mash them into a singular concept. From there I take this nebulous idea for an OC floating around, and then I use it to fill that 'mercenary working for the protagonists' role.
Lycan, Breda, Gene? It's because there needs to be a roster of actual students at Arkley's. Salazar? Started off as a necessary leader to the pre-existing Techno League (with an O, not an A). When I initially worked with the idea of various students being the children of big bad villains of notoriety, I needed a parent for Gene. Salazar already existed and I could make some similarities between him and Gene... And this aspect has since carried over.
Then there's groups like the Escapees or the Arkley Alumni; A fairly open sandbox for me to mess around with (the latter especially), and add any number of weirdoes, who manifest from concepts that are still unused. Organizing the Escapees felt fairly natural to me, and with Arkley's Alumni, there's a lot of empty space for me to fill in and create a new character from if I ever feel the need to.
If there's one OC whom I do struggle with, it's one I haven't properly introduced you guys to; His name is Shogaken, he's got this pretty bombastic, villainous personality, an evil warlord, that kind of thing. He initially started off as a canon character from another piece of media I was making an overly elaborate fanfic for (which is what the GEverse started off as), and I got attached to him and his design, the lore I fleshed out, etc. I basically re-characterized an 'interpretation' into an entirely different character.
So when I made the GEverse its own thing, I realized I could fully embrace this fact, and renamed him Shogaken as the beginning of the differentiation process, making this character my own. However, since I'm no longer wrapping the GEverse around the skeleton of another pre-existing storyline, I have the freedom to do whatever I want... Which means Shogaken's role is also liable to change.
And he started off as the ruler of the Underworld; But in a story where I get to decide everything, I'm not sure if I want the overseer of the afterlife to be so grounded and irresponsible. But I could make it work, so I'm trying different ideas out. Sometimes I don't want to force things, I just let time pass by, allow new influences to soak in, before I find inspiration.
And I guess there IS Beturos, who is another old OC of mine. He started off as a villain, and unlike Azayle or Magmint, I never made him an Escapee for some reason, when that idea came around... So I just haphazardly stuck him in somewhere. But now that the GEverse is no longer a fanfic/retelling, that means a lot of characters and roles from that original media are gone, left empty to be filled out; So I'll probably find something for Beturos there. Give him some justice, and probably some interactions with Azayle and Magmint, like old times. Maybe I'll just make him another Arkley's Alumnus...
Every now and then, I do come up with an idea for a character that I just want to do, independently of an established role; And if there isn't another pre-existing niche/character to attach this to, well, I don't usually struggle to build a new place for them. The story is already fairly open, and part of the premise is a big world with all sorts of weirdoes and their strange stories mucking about, so it doesn't take me too much to fit them in...
The real problem is deciding if I'm satisfied with that, or want to do something more/different, after all. And sometimes I'll debate giving a certain personality/backstory to this character, or that one, if I could just do both and make them different enough through some other means to justify it, etc. And when it comes to more intricate storylines... Right now, I’m taking it slow and easy, no rush. A lot of good ideas have come to me after finding new influences and inspirations. But that’s more a question of what they’ll do in canon, rather than their place in canon.
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rydrake6 · 2 years ago
Shows/Stories I'm working on/Want to make
Scp: Adventures in the Anomalous
This one is going to be an Scp animated series centering around a Dr. Bright rewrite I made whose name is Michael Lumir and an anomaly that got hired by the foundation as a researcher. I don't want to spoil too much of it, but basically I'm rewriting some Scps like Scp-963 and Scp-590 as well as adding some of my own original scps into the mix. Two examples of which are fursuits that make you act like and gain the abilities of the animal they represent and a humanoid watermelon who will beat you to death with watermelons if you cut a watermelon. I'm also adding my own lore to the series. Like a lot of lore. Expect at least some angst at some point.
Over the Wishing Well
Over the Wishing Well plays off of the old nursery rhyme of "Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water." Basically, Jack and Jill are the main characters, as well as Puff the Magic dragon, but I'll get to that later. The main plot of the story is that all the magic in the world has disappeared and the only place that has any sort of magic left is one wishing well in a dangerous place. And Jack and Jill are going to go to try and find the wishing well to bring back the world's magic. I haven't decided whether or not it's going to be a movie or a show, but if it ends up being a show, then there's going to be something stopping Jack and Jill from reaching the wishing well. Similar to Shrek, Over the Wishing Well will put a spin on several fairy tales to create a whole new story. I might also make up some fairy tale characters to spice up the story a bit.
The only characters I have so far are Jack and Jill, Puff, and Rotten Mike. I don't really have any character background for Jack and Jill yet, but I do have it for Puff and Rotten Mike.
Puff is obviously from the nursery song Puff the Magic Dragon. The song has been adapted into a movie already from what I've heard, but my Puff is going to be a bit different. I was actually going to make Puff like the size of a cat or something, but then I listened to the song again and it described him as being gigantic, so I had to work around that. So my explanation for Puff being so small is that magic is what makes dragons big. Personality wise, Puff is snarky, a little materialistic, and kind of full of himself. But he's a funny little guy who's endearing once you get to know him. He's also got some abandonment issues because of the whole Jackie Paper thing.
Rotten Mike is one of my original characters and he kind of inspired this whole thing. Basically the idea I had for him was "A chill guy who's immortal and slowly rotting away." But basically his backstory is that he went to the wishing well and wished for immortality or something like that and he ended up getting what he wished for, but his body is rotting away. Mike's kind of like the "Don't judge a book by it's cover" character because he looks freaking terrifying and he probably smells horrible, but he's actually a really sweet guy.
I also have this idea for like a rivalry of sorts where Puff hates Rotten Mike for some reason. I've played around with the reason why being that Rotten Mike is Jackie Paper and Puff hates him because he abandoned him after growing up. Idk if I'll stick with that idea though.
Bane of the Reaper
Bane of the Reaper is going to be an animated short film about the lives of grim reapers. Mainly centering around a dragon grim reaper named Vrono, who is tired of seeing so much death. I'd say more, but this one is more in the idea phase.
Fuzzed Shenanigans
Fuzzed Shenanigans is a series I've had on my brain for a while now. Basically it's exactly what it sounds like, furry characters getting into wacky adventures. The main characters are my mascot/fursona, Flame Rydrake, and his parole officer, Volt, who is a blue tiger. Basically Flame is like the most wanted criminal in the world, but he can't be kept in prison. The cops have kind of given up on jailing him and now just deal with whatever interdimensional nonsense he brings into their world. This is one of the few things I'm planning to make that doesn't really have a lot of lore or a consistent story line. There is no overarching plot. Just wacky, nonsensical adventures. The closest thing to lore I have for this is that nobody knows Flame's real backstory, even him. And that Flame is the only Flame in existence and there is no other Flame Rydrake in any other dimension. Also this thing where Flame appears in everything I make at least once. Even if he's just a background character.
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frustratedpker · 1 year ago
Good thinking! I think that's the only logical explanation too. It does make sense and it has to be like this, taking into account the chronological order of the events
Personally, I am kind of mitigated though. When I first read the first issues, before anything about him was revealed I headcannoned him in his late '20s (like 27-28). Obviously, that doesn't add up with the rest of the information we got later. So, all information considered, I personally would now place him in his '30s.
Still, let me explain my initial line of though:
It baffles me how young he looks without his helmet (at least to me). Still, I don't know whether it is just the art style or a deliberate choice of the artist. But we should take into account that these short stories are a much later addition to the source material and are actually spin-offs.
Still, judging from his personality alone (no backstory involved), I'd make him much younger. One would imagine that by his age he would have developed some brains, but that's the main point of his whole character. He used to be curious once and has been succumbing to the same fatal flaw ever since. Him being in his '40s highlights that even more than him being in his -let's say- 20's when this kind of immaturity is natural and to be expected.
Also, other traits he displays (like letting others push him around, impulsive actions) are generally associated with younger people (stereotypically speaking, it can happend to anyone). Which makes me wonder about the attitude of his colleagues like Angus etc. Not that I believe that he would be any kinder if he knew (because I suppose he doesn't) Camera 9's actual age.
Plus, he hangs out a lot with Lyla who (despite being an android) I would place in her '30s. I always imagined these two as belonging to the same generation.
(I know that him being in his '40s doesn't contradict any of the aforementioned)
Extra note: if we take into account the headcannon that he lost his nationality because his country doesn't exist anymore, we could find an approximate birth date for him, but since this isn't a headcannon I comply with I won't analyse this point of view
Doing the math (according to my headcannons):
Graduating at 21, working at newspapers and making a name for a couple of years [3-4] (I always imagined him as someone with an almost instant success in the field - just to make his downfall even more angstier), so he starts the hot spot coverages at about 25-30 and keeps going for some years (not many). He loses his nationality, becomes Camera 9. You are right here, he mustn't have been working at 00 for a long time since people do remember Stefan Vladuck.
So, I'd say he's 35+ when the actual story takes place. I like the number 37 for some reason.
Our views don't differ a lot. But it is as if, in my mind, Stefan is 27, 37 and 45 at the same time depending the point of view I analyse him from xD
But technically speaking, anything from 30+ could be possible chronologically.
Hello! I hope you're doing well! I was thinking about Stefan (to no one's surprise) and I was wondering how old he could be. As a Stefan expert, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this subject
Hi! I'm doing well, hope you're well too.
I would say in his 40s, based on what he has done so far. We would also have to consider how long he has been Camera 9, but let's speculate:
I don't know how old you would typically graduate from journalism school, but let's assume around 24-25, then, I guess he didn't started as a hotstop journalist right away, he likely worked writing articles or notes for newpapers. Maybe he started his real career in his late 20s or early 30s. He did make a name for himself in the field. He is talented, so it may happen right away, but I'd say it took some time, so maybe mid to late 30s? Maybe he lost his nationality around that time, too... and we don't know how long he has been Camera 9, but it can be THAT long since people still recognize the name Stefan Vladuck (though nobody knows it's him).
I may be missing or overseeing a lot of details, but, yeah, I would say on his 40s.
What do you think?
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mythicandco · 4 years ago
She isn’t sure why she says it.
Maybe out of pure curiosity - because it’s just the first name that pops into her head, for some reason.
But a name pierces the eerie quiet of the strange in-between dimension, a place that looks like a Demon Realm-style fun house on steroids. Dark liquid lapping against the wildly-twisting, greenish walls is the only sound here other than a human girl’s breathing.
“Philip Wittebane.”
The moment the name leaves her tongue Luz Noceda realizes she should probably check on her mother. Wasn’t that the whole point of this in the first place? But before she gets a chance to correct herself, a cube slowly floats out of the dark liquid around her, as though simply appearing for her is a difficult task. For a few moments it simply hovers there, it’s sides dripping black goo.
Then the side closest to her turns shiny and gold. Her heart rate increasing, the girl moves forward to take it - and then stops. What if it’s just his coffin, or something? Certainly Philip Wittebane would be long dead by now if he’d written his journal back in the 1600s.
But curiosity once again triumphs over doubt and Luz takes the cube in her hands. The worst that could happen is I see a skeleton, she thinks. Big deal. I’ve seen skeletons before.
Unlike the cube that showed her King, Eda, and Hooty, it takes a moment of her holding it for the thing to flash white and transfer her into a reflection. She finds herself holding her breath, and when the cube finally responds to her touch, the girl is caught off-guard and nearly drops it, severing the connection.
Luz is able to hold on, however, and she blinks as things come into focus around her. She is in the reflection of a glass picture frame. It’s holding up some painting of a black spider and a little red bird, she thinks, but her face is so close to the parchment she can’t tell for sure.
She turns her attention to the room around her, and chokes back a gasp at the most notable feature - a large, circular ring with white-and-gold wings splayed at its sides. It vaguely resembles Hunter’s staff, but that isn’t the most worrying part - it’s being constructed around the portal door, which was supposed to be destroyed. Worst of all, it looks nearly completed.
Luz covers her mouth and ducks to the bottom of the reflection as something moves in the dark - an old man with dirty blonde hair, dull blue eyes, and a dark green scar on his face. He’s wearing robes typical of the Emperor’s Coven, but she doesn’t recognize him-
Is that Emperor Belos? Without his mask? Luz never thought she’d actually see him like this. He looks... like a sad old man. The girl frowns, but then the impact of what this means hits her full-force and her eyes widen in pure shock. She had said Philip’s name.
“NO,” she says aloud. “NO WAY.”
Belos stiffens and spins around, his eyes narrowing. They dart to his mask, which is laying next to a closed book a few feet away from him. “Who’s there?” he demands. “Spying on the emperor is an offense punishable by death.”
Luz drops the cube out of pure reflex, severing her connection to the castle. It begins to sink back into the goo, but she lets out a yelp and grabs it again.
“No, bad cube,” she scolds. “I still need your help.” Luz loosens her hold on it, but it doesn’t light up again. “Hey, come on, go back to the castle,” she says. “Please?”
The cube doesn’t respond. She shakes it. Still nothing. “Let me see Emperor Belos again! Come on, cube!” But the cube doesn’t listen. Luz grunts in frustration.
“You’re on a mission, Luz. Focus.” Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, the girl does just that.
“Show me Philip Wittebane.”
It still kind of shocks her that it works; but it does, and Luz finds herself in the reflection of the eye on the door. Staring straight at Emperor Belos.
Both sides let out identical exclamations of surprise, and for the fourth time in the past half an hour, Luz almost drops the godforsaken cube. She hisses “mierda” under her breath before she can stop herself, and is surprised to hear Belos use a profanity of his own that she easily recognizes as from the Human Realm.
The two stare at each other for a moment, and Luz takes another few moments to look at Belos’s face. He really does seem like a sad, old man, even more so up close. His blue eyes have no shine in them, and his hair is in desperate need of a good combing through. She can only see one of his ears, but it’s noticeably smaller than any other witches’ she’s seen so far and has a nick in it, and a disturbing thought occurs to her that she quickly pushes aside.
Heavy bags under his eyes - even more noticeable than the Golden Guard’s - are also present, but the most horrifying part of his face is the strange green scar. Luz doesn’t know what it’s from, but it doesn’t look like anything from the Human Realm.
“Surprised?” she asks, summoning up every ounce of strength that she can. Belos can’t hurt her where she is right now, she’s pretty sure. Even if he destroyed the reflection, it would be destroying the door, and she’s fairly certain that that would only sever the connection again, not actually kill her. He takes a step back with a grimace.
“The Owl Lady’s human pet,” the emperor practically snarls, and Luz flinches. “Guess it was only a matter of time before you tapped into this as well.”
Luz has no idea what he means, but she holds her ground. “Yeah, well, it’s a lot easier when your notes are helping me with it,” she replies. “You are Philip Wittebane, aren’t you?” Her voice trembles for some reason. Now is not the time to get excited about a potentially very dramatic backstory, she mentally tells herself.
Even if you really, really, really want to hear everything about it and take notes.
It’s Belos’ turn to wince, and he reaches for his mask. “You got ahold of my journal?” he asks in a voice that sounds more surprised than resentful.
“It was in the library for a reason,” Luz neglects to mention the paper dragon and the Forbidden Stacks and Amity-
No, Luz. Focus. “But, um, yes.”
A dry laugh escapes the emperor’s throat. “I assumed no one was going to let a human into the Forbidden Stacks.”
Luz blinks, the puzzle pieces in her mind still not quite fitting together. “But if you’re Philip Wittebane, then doesn’t that make you human, too?” She is pretty sure that was right, but with her brain still kind of frazzled by the fact that Philip and Belos were the same person, she might’ve forgotten how the laws of nature worked.
Belos chuckles again, this more sharp and harsh. Luz backs up, but with holding the cube in her hands she doesn’t get any further away from him. He puts the mask on and turns away. “I’m hardly human anymore.”
This is an interesting development. “Ooh, is this like from the Henry Pottery books? If you drink unicorn blood, you’re immortal, but also-”
“This is nothing like that.”
“Oh.” Luz frowns. “Could you tell me what it actually is, then?”
Belos whirls around, uncomfortably close to the door’s reflection. “No.”
Luz let’s out a yelp and the cube shatters in her hands. “Crap,” she says, trying to take the pieces and put them back together. Apparently he did get mad enough to break the door. With a deep inhale, the girl tries to steady herself.
Remember, Luz, she tells herself mentally. You’re on a mission to contact your mom. Worry about what just happened once you tell her what’s going on. She’s still freaking out a little, but the girl breathes a few times and promises herself she’ll look into the Philip-Belos mystery once this is over and taken care of. She opens her eyes again.
“Camila Noceda.”
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artemiseamoon · 3 years ago
Playing with Fire 2
Poison x named f reader 
Words: 3,687
Warnings: angst, misogyny , sexual vibes
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Credit to GIF makers 
This chapter: We learn more about Adria ( the named reader) and how she got involved with this life. So backstory!
Fic info & chapter 1 | next (tumblr preview)
💫After this chapter, the fic moves to A03
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You stared at this painting more times than you can count. You could still remember the time your father had it put up. At the time, you were 7 years old and snuck into the office. As a child and teen, it was a place of mystery for you, a place where your father and grandfather went to talk business, a place you weren't allowed to go. Until the day you were.
“Adria, are you listening?”
Your fathers voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Yes.” You replied.
“It wasn’t an easy sell, Adria. You know I don’t make the rules,” he rested his hands on the table, “you’ll have to work three times as hard as a man does. But I know you are smarter than any man I could send to do this job. The kind of impression we need to make, only you can do that. I don’t love the idea of sending you, but we need our best, you’re it.”
Your eyes moved around the room, not settling on anything as you think of a response. After going over your options, you went with your first thought,
“So, what exactly do you want me to do? I’ve already managed the first exchange. What is this longer assignment? You’ve been vague with details.”
Your father replied, “I don’t trust him, I need eyes there. You know that. We all do, " he looked around the room, meeting everyone's eyes, "This is my way of having eyes. If we have a base of operations there, we stay close, even if he has eyes on us.
Sitting up straight, you pushed your chair closer to the table edge and rested your elbows on the surface. "You’re not saying - I’m not moving there?
He quickly answered, “No. Someone else will. Before I send a team, I need to know what that location is worth. I need to know the true value and if we're getting fucked over or not. I need to know if there is anything that will bite me in the ass later.”
You felt unsure about all this since he first mentioned it. Your family already had some shady business associates, it was unavoidable at this point, but the bigwig in Colombia? He may be the worst of all. It's not the kind of man you want to work for, or anywhere near - but that wasn't up to you, and you had no say in the matter.
Your father is the kind of man it's hard to say no to, near impossible at times. You did try to back out of this, even took a trip with some friends to conveniently disappear during the talks, but he wasn't hearing it.
Your father continued, “If anything is off Adria, I want to know before I take over that location. I don’t want anyone's past mistakes hurting my profits, or my family.”
With thoughts spinning in your brain, you picked up the drink in front of you. It was custom, everyone got a glass before the talks started. You had no intentions of drinking this early, but with this news, you may need more than one.
As you swirled the liquid in the glass, your mind continued to race. After a moment, you took a big gulp then set the glass down.
“You can do this, Adria.”
With your eyes still downcast, you took another sip and swallowed. Your father waited patiently until your eyes met his.
He added, "I trust you with this. You're the only one who can do it right."
It was too soon to take another drink, but you held the glass to your lips, ready to down the thing just to take the edge off. The room is quiet, your father and grandfather sit in silence. Everyone waiting for your response.
A moment later, you replied calmly, “I know.”
- Flashback over -
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Day 1 in Colombia
In about an hour, you start your first day at the warehouse.
A mix of nervousness, excitement, and apprehension all mix in your gut. Your father was right, this job is right up your ally, despite how upset your brother is that he wasn't chosen for the secret task.
It's been a point of contention for years now, your father favoring you for business things. But your brother is a fuck up, and he'd run this whole thing into the ground in a week.
Instead of working and digging beneath the surface of the deal, he'd be partying all night and running around like some wannabe narco. It's one the many reasons he's purposely kept in the dark and only tasked to smaller jobs, and never alone, he always has some kind of a babysitter whose keeping tabs and communicating with your father.
Even with your family's confidence about all this, the security concern is still very real, and you arrived with a whole team, some from home, and some local. Anything you could need, there's someone to call for it. The fact that you're a woman automatically means more precautions and more protection.
Though there are things to fear, you do feel confident about your ability to get this done. They don't call you a fixer for nothing. Aside from office work, day-to-day operations, and managing important deliveries, you are damn good at recognizing problems and questionable patterns. You expect to use every one of your skills for this assignment.
Giving yourself a once over in the mirror, you decide to stick with the outfit you have on and leave your hair as it is. You did change a few times, but it was all due to first day nervousness. When you walk in there, you need it to be clear you mean business and you're not here to be cute or make friends. The suit and updo get that across perfectly.
José, one of your guards, catches your attention as he entered the room.
"Adria, your ride is approaching." He announces.
"Thank you, José." You grab your bag, drape a jacket over your left arm, then leave the house.
The slight breeze instantly cools your skin. It will take some getting used to, the Colombian heat. It's a different kind of hot. You watch a nice black car pulls up before the house. As you head down the steps, you see the driver and smile.
Poison is reclined in the driver's seat, hand on the steering wheel, looking like a model ready to get his photo taken. Rounding the car, you reach to passenger seat, and he opens the door for you.
“We meet again.”
You say in a neutral voice, trying to hide your excitement. Not that the smile on your face wasn't giving you away already.
Poison watches you enter the car, his cocky grin glued to his lips, “only the best for you Princesa,” he pauses to greedily take you in with his eyes, “keeping you safe is part of the deal.”
Your smile turns into a small grin as you latch the seat belt around your body.
You set your purse on your lap and glance at him, he winks at you, “Poison, I do have my own security team, and driver. Did the boss send you? Or did you take this job for yourself?”
Poison doesn’t answer your questions. An amused expression lingers on his face as he starts the car and begins to drive.
You didn’t want to admit how much you think about that interaction a week ago. But now, all you can think about is seeing him for the first time and how it would feel to touch him; to run the soft pads of your fingers across his bicep, to climb into his very inviting lap, to staddle is strong looking thighs. Poison not only looks good, but he also smells good, and it's setting your body on fire.
After being on the road for a few minutes, you need something to stop your dirty thoughts. You start reaching over to the radio when Poison shoots you a very stern look. it causes you to stop on your tracks as you stare at him,
“Ohh, you’re one of those no-one- touches-my car guys?”
Poison smirks, “or drives it,” his eyes move from the road to you, “I could make an exception, but it will cost you.”
“Oh yea, what?”
He points to his lips, “Then you can touch the radio.”
Bringing your fingers to your chin, you pretend to think about it. You draw it out until he seems focused on the road again and quickly plant a kiss on his cheek. Poison turns slightly, attempting to catch your lips with his own but fails.
“That wasn't my lips querida.”
Even from his profile, you can see the slight disappointment in his face, but he's more amused than anything. When his eyes meet yours again, you pout at him.
He can’t resist and nods to the radio, “Go ahead.”
Feeling proud of yourself, your frown turns into a small smile as you turn the radio on.
After a short while, and a couple of songs you find yourself staring out the window, thinking about how your day will go. As the possibilities play out in your mind, you let out a sigh. This catches Poison's attention, and he glances at you.
“Bored?” He asks with a crooked brow.
You observe him before answering. Those brown eyes were going to be the death of you. You know it. You feel that stupid big smile returning to your lips and try to subdue it.
“Yes, “you decide to fuck with him, “Bored out of my mind.”
Poison laughs. Part of you wonders if you should mess with him so much, he is dangerous after all . But he seemed to know you're just kidding and doesn't take it seriously.
Your eyes linger, taking in how hot he looks driving his car. His biceps, forearm, his hands; how tight his shirt is, how good his thighs look in those pants…when Poison moistens his lips you nearly lose it. Tearing your eyes away from him, you focus on the view from the window.
Poison grins to himself as a brief silence passes between you both. The space soon filled with the next song on the radio. He likes that you're checking him out, if anything, he's sad you looked away so soon.
Poison motions to the backseat with his free hand. “We can do something about that."
You nibble your bottom lip and think about his words.
That would be the perfect cure for fake boredom, wouldn't it? Fucking him in the backseat of his car. Yes, you would like that, very much. But it’s too soon to make a crazy decision, right? It's only your first day.
Deciding to calm down and play it cool, you rest back against the passenger seat, resisting the urge to look at him. A moment passes, then you reply,
“How about you do some more hot driving and pay attention to the road.”
When Poison glances at you, he's met with a smug grin, and you hand moving seductively up and down the seatbelt across your chest.
Unable to look away, Poison watches you stroke the seatbelt. “Hard to do that when you’re being a tease.”
Holding back a laugh, you come to a sudden stop and rest your hands innocently on your thighs. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Poison pulls up in front of the warehouse and stops the car. Before you can think of another comment, he moves into your space, his face so close you could kiss him. The amusement in his eyes is replaced by something else, something serious.
Any words or thoughts you have fall away, you become consumed with how close he is, how his cologne possesses your senses, the way his body crowds your own.
Remaining stone faced, Poison places two fingers under your chin and gently lifts your head until your eyes meet his. Those brown eyes fill with lust as they linger on your lips, your breath catches in your throat, your body comes alive.
Poison inches closer, taking his time until your lips almost touch. He gazes deep in the eyes, like he’s looking into your soul. When he brushes your lower lip with his thumb you let out an audible breath,
“Be careful Princesa.” He whispers.
A warning never felt more like an aphrodisiac than now. An intense heat washes over you as you suck in a breath, remembering to breathe.
Pleased with your reaction, Poison releases your chin and moves away. “Don’t be late.”
The corners of his lips curving into a smile. You take one more look at him as you gather yourself, then exit the car.
You weren’t running away from him per se, but you were so turned on you could barely think straight, and you needed a moment to center before walking into the warehouse.
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Poison sticks around for a little while.
He initiates the introductions and makes sure no one fucks with you. It was cute to watch, him being all tough and doing his job. It was especially enjoyable whenever he caught someone making a sexual comment.
In the middle of the day, he left for a couple of hours. At first, you were a little disappointed, but you were also grateful. Poison leaving gave you less distractions, you could work without a sexy man being in arms reach.
He didn't have to do a damn thing but stand there, wide stance, arms folded, a dead serious expression on his handsome face. It was enough to awaken your desire and interfere with your ability to focus. Poison is a fucking distraction of the worst kind, and you hope he won't be tagging along too much, at least not during working hours.
The day goes on without any major issues, the expected hiccups and apprehension included. Poison returned in time to drive you back home, it’s an offer you were more than happy to take.
The ride back was much like the first, music playing on the radio as you two engaged in flirty banter. You even asked him again if he was assigned this job or took it himself, Poison never gives you a full answer, only replying that “he’d be around”.
You know Poison is a head sicario, Pablos main guy. He's likely one of the busiest men alive. How would babysitting you fit into that? Despite having more questions than answers, you don’t push. The man has a vibe about him, and whenever you did ask something he didn't want to answer, you could feel this cold chill. It's better not to push.
Two hours later, at home
Wrapped in a warm and expensive bathrobe, you make yourself some dessert. You're only a few bites in when the phone rings. Leaving the comfort of the couch, and your tasty dessert, you head to the closest phone and pick it up. The voice on the other end instantly brings a smile to your face.
“Miss me already?” You ask, holding the receiver between your left ear and shoulder.
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“Adria, come dancing with me.”
Poison’s voice is so smooth, you can envision the look in his eyes as you listen to him speak.
Intrigued, you sit on the edge of the table and twirl the cord with your fingers, “hmmm, no.”
On the other side of the line, Poison grins and brushes the curtain aside to look out at the street. He makes you wait for his response, saying nothing as the conversation goes quiet.
Making him wait is becoming quite a pleasurable activity for you. You let the silence linger before saying, “Poison?”
“Come dancing with me.” This time it sounds like less of a question.
Was it a command?
His tone reaches the deepest parts of you, quickening your pulse and bringing a rush of dirty images to mind. Taking a breath, in effort to calm your body, you release it slowly and entertain the offer.
You wonder, what harm would a little dancing do?
What if you cut the night short before anything crazy happened? That way, you get to play a little without getting in too deep.
“Okay, Roberto, 2 hours max.”
After giving you instructions, Poison hangs up the phone. You were to be ready at 9pm for pick up.
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A little while later
You knew exactly what kind of reaction the short black skirt and leopard print top would get out of Poison. That's why you wore it. The entire ride to the Discoteca your anticipation grew, leaving you vibrating with excitement.
Upon arrival, his driver escorts you inside the club and past the gawking faces. It’s easy to ignore their comments when you come upon the VIP table. There in the middle, Poison sits, arms stretched out across the top of the booth. He looks as yummy as ever and the leather jacket is icing on the cake.
“Princesa, “ he swoons, becoming instantly drunk on your appearance, “damn.”
He nearly runs over his friend to get out of the booth. You stand there, holding back a laugh as you watch him approach you. He looks like a bull in a china shop. Finally reaching you, Poison runs his hand over his hair and takes you in with a grin.
“Now what?” You ask teasingly holding his steamy gaze.
He's melting right before your eyes; the man can't find his words. He bits his lip and reaches for your hand, “shall we?”
His hand is big, strong, and warm as it engulfed your own. Poison leads you to the dance floor, keeping a tight grip on you the entire time. Whenever someone gets too close, he puts his hand on your side and steers you away from them.
Despite the pulsing heat between your bodies, you realize Poison can't dance for shit. He's a terrible dancer, you're sure no one would ever tell him to his face. Deciding to have fun with it, you enjoy yourself anyway.
You only stop dancing when your shoes start to hurt your feet. Poison guides you back to the table and takes the seat next to you. A new round of drinks is delivered, and multiple conversations begin.
As the night went on, no matter who you chatted with, you were never out of Poisons sights for too long.
After some more dancing, it was almost time to leave. You step away to the restroom, feeling a bit torn. Part of you wants to stay, the other part of you knows it's smarter to leave.
When you exit the bathroom, you notice Poison waiting down the hall, leaning against the wall. He nods to his left, where another small hallway is. You only know because you missed the bathroom the first time, instead finding a storage room.
You follow him down the short hallway. He stops first and turns to face you.
While holding your gaze, Poison places his hand on his chest dramatically, “Leaving so soon?”
“It will be two hours in three minutes.” You hold up your wrist, showing your watch.
Poison closes the space between your bodies and takes hold of your forearm. He slides his hand down until he reaches your wrist. Locking eyes with you, Poison slowly turns the watch until the clock faces him.
As he does this, strands of dark hair fall from his perfectly styled do like a curtain over his left eye. You nibble your bottom lip, fighting the urge to reach out and touch his hair.
“Two minutes,” he says calmly, still not letting go of your wrist, “it’d be a shame to waste it.”
Your eyes fall to his lips, “you have a point...it would be wasteful…'' you trail off, distracted by the way the tip of his tongue glides across his lips. You imagine what those lips, that tongue, that mouth could -
You can’t take it anymore.
Possessed by passion you jerk forward and press your lips against his. The sound that leaves off his lips is some kind of moan or growl, whatever it is, its sexy as hell.
Poison grabs the back of your neck, drawing you deeper into the kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth. He pins you against the wall with his body weight and you can feel everything as the kiss intensifies.
There’s nothing shy or graceful about his kiss. It’s primal, passionate, hungry, take-me-now under a full moon kind of kiss. The type that leaves you drunk and dizzy as you lose yourselves in one another.
Your hands explore each other's bodies; touching, grabbing, caressing. Needing closer contact, Poison lifts your left leg, hiking it around his hip. He bunches your skirt up and the moment his hard cock presses against your moist panties, he moans in your mouth.
The kiss only breaks when your lungs scream for air, even then, Poison doesn’t let you rest long before reclaiming your lips again. You lose time, the world stops, it's only you and Poison in some dark hallway as music blares from the other room.
When the kiss breaks a second time, you rest against the wall and catch your breath. His bedroom eyes are downright sinful, and you were sure, if you stayed any longer, you’d likely fuck him right here.
In between catching his breath, Poison whispers pet names as he kisses your neck, his hands sliding inside your top and over your bra.
“Sure, you want to go home? We’ve only just started having fun.”
As much as it hurts to leave, you know you have to. It was clear, leaving Colombia without fucking him might be impossible but you couldn’t do it yet, it's too soon.
You're here for a month and the last first impression you need is this. You need people to take you seriously. It's better to get your horny ass home and take the edge off yourself.
Forcing a smile, you slide away from him and fix your clothes.
“If you’re good we can continue where we left off one day.” After fixing your skirt you go back to him and run your fingers through his hair. He melts under your touch, "I need my beauty sleep.”
Poison closes his eyes and breaths softly as you play with his hair. He anchors one hand on your hip, the other slides around to your lower back.
When he lifts his eyes back to yours, it makes your breath catch. His eyes are warm, soft, filled with emotion. The red-hot desire is still there, just now, something else is present too, lingering around the fire.
“Fuck,” he says under his breath and takes one hand away to adjust himself in his pants. “Look how you’re leaving me.”
You plant a sweet kiss on his lips and walk backward down the hall before he can pull you back to him.
"Goodnight Roberto.”
Part 3 (will take you to a03) | teaser for part 3
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@fleurfatale89​ @thesolotomyhan​ @kittydeluxxe @ottertastic95
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attllhak · 4 years ago
Adoption AU - Lullaby Reacts to Time’s Batman Level Adoption Bullshit
@tortilla-of-courage I offer you mercy. Also no one mentioned wanting to be tagged on the last story on this series so it’s just you for right now I guess.
Also, this fic is called ‘Aunt Lullaby/Uncle Sheik On Time’s Sudden Acquisition Of Kids’ in my docs, but I’ve been using the ‘Batman-Level Adoption Bullshit’ for so long that this is the title now.
Also! Some of the boys have some heavy topics to their backstories (Wars comes to mind as an example), so let me know if I need to tag this with certain warnings or stuff. Nothing is actually shown, but I figured I’d just put that out there.
Lullaby, who was still just Zelda then, had been very excited when Time, then just Link, had called her to tell her that Malon was pregnant.
She had gotten the call first, as Link had found it important that she knew before anyone else. After everything else in his life, he said, he wanted the person who he knew would always be there for him to know first, and that he was going to be making a few other calls later that day.
Link had never had an easy life. When his father died when he was 10, he’d ended up devastated. Zelda and her Aunt Impa had found him hiding in an alley a few days after, once he’d run away from the social workers. His sister Navi had been with him, and the two were sorting through the very few bits of snack food they’d had. Link’s father had been a foster parent for a lot of strays, orphans, or abused kids needing another place to stay. Link had fallen into the orphan category, and so the social workers had planned to cycle him back into the system. He’d lost contact with his sister Saria, whom he still hadn’t found out how to make contact with again, and so all he had was Navi. Impa had taken them both in on the spot, much to the annoyance of Zelda’s father initially, but the two grew on him. Navi went missing when Link and Zelda had been 17, after an issue with a man who really had wanted to see them both dead. Link hadn’t given up hope yet, but with every passing year it looked worse and worse for her to be okay.
Zelda had known Malon from day one, and had loved Link’s wife and was so happy to see him find that bit of happiness. The one thing she knew he wanted more than anything else was to have a solid, stable family of his own.
The pregnancy was a wonderful bit of news, and she couldn’t be happier for her brother.
She had spent some time over at their house, her then-girlfriend Ruto coming as well, helping Malon with some of the housework and such since she wasn’t supposed to be doing too much of the ranch work while pregnant.
She had arrived at the hospital less than thirty minutes after she got the call that Malon was in labor, and spent the time pacing in the hall, then supporting Link when he got kicked out after panicking too much. Apparently Malon had enough of him.
She could relate.
After Link had his whole ‘we made a whole baby person’ moment where his brain short-circuited after he was handed his son, the next person who got to hold him was Zelda. A chubby baby, who slept almost the whole time. He had his mother’s nose, thank Hylia.
Zelda saw him open his eyes only once that day, and she could swear she saw in his cobalt-silver eyes that same spark in his father’s eye. Singular, since Link only had the one.
Zelda’s family had a long tradition of naming their kids after family members. Her name was her grandmother’s and her great-grandmother’s, so on so forth. Her father had been pressing to pick a family name the entire pregnancy. Her mother had kept telling him to back off a little. Fortunately, Malon’s family also had a set of passed down names, hers being one of them. So the idea of naming the child after family wasn’t a big deal for her, even if it was a different set of names.
However, there was one thing to take into account here, and that was Link’s family.
No one knew what the naming traditions in his family were, he didn’t even know his birth parent’s names. But that didn’t change the desire to find a way to work them in too.
There was only one name from Link’s family that anyone knew.
The baby was named Link.
Zelda’s father stopped complaining a week later. Her mother was very clear about it.
At Zelda and Ruto’s wedding seven years later, Link Jr. was the ring bearer.
Junior stopped being his nickname when he was thirteen.
Zelda got a call from Link Sr. about a day after it happened with a simple request.
“Who was in charge of the paperwork when your family adopted me?”
Zelda blinked once, then twice. “Come again?”
“The lawyer who arranged for my adoption, who was that?” Link asked again.
“Why?” Zelda asked, her wife leaning around the doorframe to give her a concerned look. Zelda shot her a thumbs up.
A heavy sigh came from the other end of the phone. “I think I’ve acquired another son,”
Zelda came over.
This new nephew of hers, apparently, was a sweet boy. A series of scars littered his entire left side, burn and explosive damage if she were to guess, and he had no idea how he got them. He had amnesia. The one thing he did know was his name.
His name was Link.
Zelda had to take a minute. She was trying very hard not to laugh. This was exactly the kind of luck her brother had.
“Zelda, stop mocking me, this wasn’t my call,” Link whined, though he’d never say it was a whine.
“Link, you have to see the humour here,” she gasped, waving at the two boys in the living room where Jr. was trying to show Scars how to use a lasso. This was Zelda’s idea, but she wasn’t taking responsibility for it.
Link just sighed heavily. “Link found him on the street. Malon looked into it and his parents died in a car crash a year ago, he has nowhere to go. We’ve agreed to let him stay, you understand that,”
Zelda nodded, sobering up some. “Yeah, I get that, kinda. The lawyer we hired was named Rauru, Mom should have his contact information still, you should call her,”
Link sighed, relieved. “Thank you,”
“Of course, just don’t make it a habit,”
The first inclination this would be a habit was a year later.
Wild, the younger of his sons, was in the same class as another boy named Link. This boy had lived with his uncle his whole life, and got the call his uncle died when at school. Sheik was about ready to punch someone for doing that to the boy, and just before christmas no less.
Wild brought him home, insisting he could stay at least for the holidays. The agreement wasn’t even a question, there was no way he was going to be forced to spend a holiday at an orphanage.
When Sheik and Ruto showed up on christmas day, not that their family cared much for christmas but they were all off anyways, the newest Link had been named Legend.
He was a little more shy than the others, understandably, and a little snappish.
Not a bad kid, just one grieving and in need of family. That was something their family had never hesitated to provide.
Sheik’s mother teaching him how to spin a butterfly knife was probably not the wisest decision, but considering Rottla heard a therapist say “Your kids are traumatized, they need to feel safe again,” and decided to sign them up for every martial arts she could, well, it should have been a sign that she wasn’t the best in that regard. Time, Link Sr., had made it very clear he felt Sheik took after her. Sheik had no idea what his brother was talking about.
Legend didn’t leave after that. One call to Rauru, and Legend was a permanent member of the family.
Sheik took great pride in being the favorite Uncle of Legend’s, after his late guardian of course. He pointedly ignored that he was the only Uncle, and only part-time.
Time could suck it.
Lullaby, since so many of her nephews’ friends were named Zelda apparently, received a call at five am.
True, she knew her brother and his wife woke up at sunrise to do yard work and such, but usually they were kind enough to let her sleep in.
Not so this morning.
“Wha?” She mumbled into the phone, trying, and failing, to not wake her wife.
“Zelda,” came Malon’s clipped tone through the receiver, “do you know about a missing person’s case for one Jerimiah Smith?”
Zelda blinked heavily, and had to convince herself not to go back to sleep. Who, why did Malon care? It was five am, the sun wasn’t even up yet.
“Why?” She asked to buy time, still working on a quarter of thought. Ruto rolled over and held her. Not helping, Ruto.
“I have a Link Smith in my barn claiming that his grandfather went missing, and he’s run away from a temporary foster home,” Malon explained, and okay that was worth waking up for.
Lullaby sat up, pushing Ruto’s arm from her waist to her lap, causing her wife to grumble, and turned on the lamp, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. “Okay, okay pause. Pause and back up,” she half-swallowed a yawn, squinting into her bedroom. “What is going on?”
“I got up to do some work, since Link is still asleep, and I came into the barn to find a boy asleep in the hay, here you are,” her voice dropped away from the receiver, likely talking to the boy in question, then came back. “So I found a boy in the hay, and I woke him up. He says his name is Link Smith, and he was living with his grandfather since his father was overseas in the military. His father wasn’t home enough to care for him, so his grandfather had sole custody after his mother died or something, there was a lot of tears at this part. Anyways, his grandfather went missing a week ago, and he’s been through three foster homes and none of them were very accepting of, he apparently has a ‘mental thing’ that he’s dealing with. I was wondering if you could confirm his story?”
Lullaby leaned over the bed, grumbling, and grabbed her laptop, Ruto giving up on getting her back to bed and sliding up the headboard with her to drape over her shoulders while she pulled up Firefox. “Hold on,” she told her sister in law, plugging the name into Google. Jeremiah Smith, went missing a week ago, blah blah blah, oh there we go.
Link Smith, grandson of Jerimiah Smith, left in limbo after his grandfather’s disappearance. Oh, that was interesting. According to this article, which most certainly was breaking some privacy laws and if Link Smith was staying it would be coming down, the boy had multiple personality disorder.
“Yeah, he’s telling the truth,” Lullaby said, switching the phone to her other ear so Ruto could nuzzle up better without bumping it. “Also, I found his weird ‘mental thing’. According to this article, which I’m pretty sure isn’t legal, he’s got dissociative identity disorder,”
“Isn’t that dangerous?” Ruto mumbled, still mostly asleep on her shoulder.
“No, not really. He’s actually more likely to be in danger than a danger,” she twisted to kiss her wife’s head, then went back to Malon. “He probably really needs someone who’ll be supportive enough through all this, both the disappearance and his condition. DID isn’t something easy to live with, I can see him having some issues with foster parents,” Lullaby had never been so glad that she got bored one day and decided to look it up after she heard people talk about it so negatively. You never know when information like that would be useful.
“He’s fine to take in?” Malon whispered after a moment. “I just, the other boys,”
“Will need to be patient, but unless one of his alters is particularly bad for dealing with threats, perceived or otherwise, in an unkind way then he’s fine and safe to be around. I’d ask him about that, but don’t force him to admit anything that can be bad for him, but I don’t see any more risk than taking in Wild or Legend,”
Malon sighed on the other end of the line. “Alright, I’ll bring him in and wake up Link, so he can call Rauru about all this while I sit with him and try and get him to relax,”
“Wonderful, I’ll call the office and see about what I can do about this article then. And for the record, if you ever call me at asscrack of dawn o’clock in the morning again, then next time we meet I’m clocking you,”
Malon had the nerve to laugh.
Four, as he’d been nicknamed by the time Lullaby and Ruto showed up to meet him, was a fascinating person. Green, the host of his system, was a brave, if occasionally airheaded, boy who wanted to try everything, and had been fascinated by his grandfather’s old-timey forge. Time had plans to make one in the yard for him. Red, the emotional and spiritual protector of the system, was empathetic and sweet and compassionate. No one had a bad word to say about Red. Vio, short for Violet, was the gatekeeper for the system and kept the four of them working on the same page. Bright and clever boy, his nose stuck in a book most of the time and willing to offer up the most random and yet useful information. Blue, the physical protector, was a little gruff and definitely someone you just got used to, but he cared deeply about his ‘brothers’ as they called each other, and the external brothers he acquired grew on him quickly enough too. It was a bit of a fight to get custody of him, but Rauru was the best there was, so it was only a week or two before the paperwork was going through for him.
Lullaby had a feeling this wasn’t the end by a long shot, and prayed that Hylia would be merciful about granting Time’s wish for a family.
She was going a little overboard.
Sheik wasn’t surprised in the least at the newest addition when he walked in the one day. No, mostly he was just confused as to why he hadn’t gotten a phone call before he got there.
Usually there was a phone call.
He was very upset by the way the boy looked, however.
This new addition, Warriors as he’d learn later that Time acquired yet another Link, was curled up in the corner of the couch with his scarf wrapped around him like a blanket, clearly trying not to be seen. Voices floated out of the kitchen, and Sheik picked up that Twilight brought him home, and was lobbying for a new brother.
Ah, that’s why there was no phone call.
Ruto went to investigate the conversation, so Sheik decided to introduce himself to his newest nephew.
Upon closer inspection, the boy looked about Twilight’s age, and had a bruise on his temple, maybe a day or two old now. Looking closer saw a few more on the left side of the boy’s face. Someone hit him, with purpose.
Sheik sat down next to him and said nothing, waiting for him to make the first move. Eventually, he poked his head out of his scarf.
“Hello,” Sheik offered once it became clear he wouldn’t be saying anything.
“Hullo,” he mumbled into the fabric, glancing away and back at his feet.
“My name is Sheik,” Sheik offered lightly. “Time is my brother,”
The boy looked up, eying him. “Twilight is your nephew?”
“Yes, he is,” Sheik nodded, smiling at him. “You’re a friend of his?”
The boy shrugged. “Kinda,” a beat of silence passed, then he shifted around. “He said I’d be safe here,”
“You will be,” Sheik agreed, trying to be comforting. “I can assure you of that,”
He hummed and snuggled back into his scarf.
“May I, if this isn’t overstepping, can I ask why you need somewhere to be safe?” Sheik asked after a moment.
He tensed up, eyes darting to him and at the doorway, and then back, wide eyes a little panicked.
Sheik was just about to apologize when the boy spoke.
“I ran away from home,” he admitted, looking away. “My uh, my parents aren’t, great people. I can’t go back, so I need somewhere else to go. Twi said I could be safe here, that his parents would fight for me,”
“They will,” Sheik said with enough conviction it almost startled him. “I know my brother, and he can’t turn away from someone in need, and his wife is the most strong willed woman I’ve ever met. You won’t find another pair of people more willing to go to war for you than them.”
He blinked at Sheik, then nodded, relaxing a little. “And, if my parents come for me?”
Sheik grinned. “My family is very rich, and we have a small army of very good lawyers. You won’t be going back there, I assure you,”
He smiled, and leaned over towards Sheik a little. “I’m Link,”
Of course you are, Sheik thought. He held out an arm for ‘Link’ to lean into, not getting attached to the name since it would be changing. The boy leaned into his side easily, deflating against him with a sigh. He looked so tired.
“Link,” Sheik asked carefully, watching his words. “Can I ask about the bruises on your face?”
The boy blinked up at him, biting his lip.
“They uh, my dad did that,” he admitted in a small voice, curling into Sheik’s side, and the sheikah pulled him in close to his side, hoping to provide the comfort Link was seeking. “Right before I left. I packed up and went through the window. My twin sister is still there, and I’m a little worried about her, but I can’t go back again. I, he,” he paused, sucking in a breath. Sheik rubbed his arm and side, trying to help him calm down, ignoring the tears on his shirt.
“I thought he was going to kill me,” Link finally admitted in a small, scared voice.
Sheik knew he never had very many parental instincts, and he and Ruto agreed no kids before they even got engaged, but for the first time ever Sheik felt that flare that Time and Malon described everytime something threatened their kids. It was then and there Sheik decided this boy would be part of their family, whether Time was the one who took him in or not. No kid should have to say that and mean it. No kid should be scared their parent was going to kill them.
Oh, the lawyers Sheik was planning on bringing down on whoever these assholes were would be many.
Time took the boy in, as Sheik predicted (thankfully), and sure enough the immediate support was immense. His parents never even put out a missing persons report. Sheik added child negligence to his list of growing charges to lay out.
Two months after Warriors moved in, he got a call from his sister. She got out and was safe now, and wanted to be sure he was as well. This made him very relieved. They met up once or twice, and seemed to be getting back to normal.
Two weeks later, Legend and Wild got suspended distracting Warriors’ parents so Twilight could sneak him out the back of the school. Four didn’t get suspended, but only because when Vio messed with the security cameras to cover up the escape he didn’t get caught. Time took all three out for ice-cream and junk food when he picked them up.
Lullaby saw an opportunity and took it without hesitation. Lawyers were called and organized, and without much wait there was an order for both of them to appear in court on child abuse and negligence charges. The kidnapping charge laid against them in retaliation was almost laughable.
A few weeks later, Time and Malon had full custody of Warriors pending a proper criminal trial for full punishment of his parents, at which time Linkle, Warriors’ twin sister, planned to testify as well. If they couldn’t get things settled before Warriors turned 18, then they planned to push through an adult adoption the day he did. A birthday present, Time had said. Lullaby laughed.
Sky was probably the most skittish of Time’s sons.
Lullaby wasn’t sure entirely why he was so skittish, but he was. He reminded her of a bird, or a rodent, or a cat who really, really didn’t want to interact with new people.
She had been briefed before she visited on Sky’s background. His social worker had been having trouble setting him up with a home where he’d stay for longer than a week or so, and in a last ditch effort had asked Time and Malon, with their long track record of housing troubled and unhousable youths, if they could take one more. They agreed.
Sky apparently had a friend, a bit of a troublemaker if Lullaby guessed correctly, who had gotten the two arrested. Time mentioned the event had Sky concerned about being ‘too much trouble’ and that ‘they’d get rid of him too’ or something. Time said this was ridiculous, as Sky caused him the least amount of trouble, but the boy was concerned about being thrown away again. He apparently had a few self-worth issues.
Lullaby found him on the back porch talking to the birds. Not in any human language, mind you, and Lullaby spoke many, but cooing and chirping back at them. He seemed very happy and at ease like that, singing at the birds.
“Do you mind if I join you?” She asked in a whisper during a pause in the conversation.
Sky jumped, eyes wide, and he squirmed a little when he saw her. “Uh, sure, I guess,”
She sat on the other end of the bench next to him, and calmly went back to watching the birds, and him interacting with them. He seemed much more at ease here than he did with people.
“Did you need something?” He asked, after a while, letting a blue jay grab a peanut from his hand.
“Not specifically,” she shook her head. “I had wanted to meet you, but nothing else,”
He blinked at her a little dumbly.
“Why would you want to meet me?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” She asked back, not sure what he was trying to say.
“Well, I mean, I’m not exactly special. And, it’s not like I’m staying,”
“I think you’re pretty special, most people can’t get birds to land on their hands like that,” Lullaby said gently, not liking how he spoke about himself. “And why would you think you aren’t staying?”
“I never stay,” he admitted, turning his eyes back to the birds, frowning. “No one ever considers me worth the effort,”
“You are very much worth the effort,” Lullaby countered, trying her best to keep her face soft instead of pinching up. “Trust me, however much effort you are, it is nowhere near the level of your brothers. Time wouldn’t have taken you in if he didn’t want you,”
“He’s just doing Impa a favour,” he said glumly, offering up more birdseed to the birds. “I won’t be staying forever,”
“I’m sure my brother has explained why that’s bullshit,” Lullaby said bluntly.
“But, I got arrested,” he mumbled.
“So have three of your brothers,” Lullaby pointed out. “Regularly. For much worse things. I promise you, that is not an issue,”
“If you are going to say something bad about yourself again then I’m telling you right now I’m not going to listen to it,” Lullaby cut him off. “Time has told me a lot about you, and all of it is how much he loves you,”
“Really?” Sky looked up at her.
“You cause him the least amount of headaches of all his sons,” Lullaby smiled. “He adores you,”
Sky turned away, clearly trying to think that over.
“How about you tell me more about the things you enjoy doing,” Lullaby suggested.
“Huh?” Sky asked, turning back to her.
“I’d like to get to know more about what makes my nephew happy,” she smiled.
“Well, I’d be a bad aunt if I didn’t, especially since you’ll be sticking around,”
Sky looked like he didn’t believe her, but told her about his woodcarving anyways.
Lullaby was happy that as time went on Sky became less skittish and self-deprecating. He was a sweet kid, and as he got more comfortable and confident more of his true colours started showing through.
She felt a bit bad for Time, though. Apparently he was as prone to chaos as his brothers, he was just more subtle about it.
Time brought it on himself though. He should have known this when he adopted six boys.
The call about the next son had Lullaby’s head hitting her kitchen table, groaning loudly even when Ruto came to check on her.
Wild found a boy in the woods and they’d decided to keep him.
This was getting to be just a bit too much.
When Sheik and Ruto got to meet the boy, they were a bit taken aback. They had expected another Wild.
What they got was a quiet boy who mostly kept to himself. He was a bit shy, but he seemed to open up a bit more around Wild and, amusingly, Legend. He was a bit jumpy, but considering they had no idea how long he was in the woods that was expected.
What was surprising them most was that he did actually have a mother, who loved him very much, but who was very sick and so wasn’t able to actually take care of him, thus the wandering in the woods. His mother had been very worried, but physically unable to look. She had asked family to check but they gave up pretty quickly.
In light of her family being horrible for taking care of her son, and not knowing if she’d survive her illness, she asked Malon and Time if they could take care of her son for her since she clearly couldn’t trust her relatives and the boy’s father had abandoned them the moment she decided to keep him.
Time and Malon had taken one look at the boy and their sons, and agreed. They worked out an arrangement to keep the boy’s mother in the loop, and then they called Rauru. After which Time called his sibling.
This boy’s name was also Link. Sheik did not feel bad about laughing. Really, his brother had the weirdest luck.
They, for some reason, decided his nickname would be Hyrule. Why they decided to name him after the country, Sheik didn’t know. Apparently it was the only nickname he liked.
He had trouble reading, but he liked learning, especially if he could use what he learned to help people.
He fit right in, which made Sheik wonder exactly when his brother was going to stop adopting. He hoped it was before the ranch house ran out of room.
Eight. He stopped at eight.
Which was still too many, in Sheik’s opinion, but whatever.
The newest hellraiser at least didn’t come from the streets like almost all of the others.
This Link (because yes, his name was Link too) had recently lost his parents and his grandmother couldn’t financially support both him and his sister. So Time and Malon agreed to take care of him for her. The rest of their sons all acquired a grandma as well, it seemed.
They nicknamed him Wind, and he immediately latched onto his older brothers and started giving his new parents headaches.
When Lullaby and Ruto showed up next, she felt no sympathy for her brother. He brought this on himself.
She was more than a little pissed off when the brat stole her wallet though. Damn thief.
Time assured her that they’d talk to him about it. Lullaby wasn’t sure that’d help.
But, she reasoned, despite the chaos, Time was happy. Practically giddy. He lit up whenever he spoke about his sons, and he clearly loved them dearly.
Hylia had granted his wish for a family. She maybe went a bit overboard, but as long as Time was happy, so was Lullaby.
She wasn’t commenting on the ninth kid. She refused.
At least his name wasn’t ‘Link’.
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turboautismrobot · 2 years ago
very quick abt yume nikki i played it a bit before and i found it boring as hell, theres a fangame called .flow that i enjoyed much more but that shits all subjective
i need you to keep in mind this is a series od 3 games and 2 (soon to be 3) spin offs, the game im telling you about now (ep 1 - junk food, gods and teddy bears) doesnt take itself very seriously untill about halfway, theres gore in this game and its the most light hearted one of the bunch, bucle up
the game starts with a black screen and the dialogue
my world met its end a long time ago
humanity as i knew it has ceased to exist and disappeared without a single trace
the gods they belived in have died, and churches were built as their graves
chaos turned into order, and it finally became quiet
all i can do is dream, for i am so, so tired
before i abandon the words that form noise in my head, will you be so kind as to join me in dream seeing?
hello charlotte: episode 1
"junk food, gods and teddy bears"
the game then introcuces you to charlotte
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cut to her room and i am already appealing to your omori liker brain just look at it
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she then prompts you to take her to the dining room and you can now explore
the big thing on the wall with a heart is a screen, the screen numbered 0001, it tells you to
look for puppeteer symbols (the heart)
only people with the letter X in their name are able to open doors marked with the puppeteer symbol
the green and blue squares are ominicubes, theyre omnipotent living things that store information and allow its users to teletransport
never put soap in an ominicube
the green ominicube is teleports charlotte to different areas of the house
the blue ominicube is a data ominicube and it has information about screens, ominicubes and the tenants of the house (charlotte, aiden, huxley and bennett)
opening the menu charlotte has the opition of STUFF [items and tasks] and REWIND POINT [save] she has the "book of truth" item that she presumably made herself and it has this exposition dump that im just gonna add here cause idk how to words it
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worth noting, seth is charlottes puppeteer, you play as seth, not charlotte, you control her every action because free will is an illusion
also she talks to you all the time and its so sweet, for example you can tell her to take some pepper spray and she'll reply with "wouldnt a flamethrower be more effective?" also the universe of hello charlotte is very much surreal and she just talks to you like this like it was the most normal thing ever and not concerning or at the very least hilarious but considering the people she lives with yeah its normal for her
now this is gonna be sloppy cause tumblr MURDERED the entire thing i wrote which was like a fucking mile of text and im going to commit unspicable things because of this <3 ow my fucking thumbs
Current User who is yet to complete the Educational Program
our protagonist baby shes super nice and sees the good in everyone, shes super heavily implied trans and thats good for her we love her shes the baby ever
Ground Floor's butler. User Note: Hobbies include sewing and taxidermy.
he is super nice and also literally krampus
charlotte stayed up to see santa one night and ended up not only kidnapping but befriending KRAMPUS
he likes making dresses for her :]
A surgeon who owns an interdimensional clinic on the 2nd floor. User Note: Once ordered 30 boxes of duct tape for unknown purposes."
hes surely. a guy
theres not a ton about him but he is. very morally gray hes cool
Occupation and real name unknown. User Note: <Bennett> is the name on the badge of his hazmat suit
bennett is one of huxley's workers, he has a super depressing backstory and these two kind of literally broke and entered into charlotte's house and have been living there ever since
bennett eats soap, hes high up on soap all the time and hes super cheerful (because of the soap, bennett and all of huxleys workers are actually not doing well at all mentally and the soap is their fucked up anti depressent)
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aiden -> charlotte -> felix (ill get to him in a sec) -> huxley -> bennett (he has many eyes cause hes a survival of the eye plague which makes eyes grow in tissue including internal orgains, i have no idea if he can see out of those)
anyways detour over back to the game
after going to the dining room charlotte goes to see huxley in his clinic, this clinic has screens that detail how charlotte met the umbrella man, hes like her father figure but i dont. really trust him
he also gave her the yellow ribbon she wears around her neck
im having to take breaks writing this because tumblr made me so frustrated
huxley needs to ask you a favor to take care of his nephew felix for him for a little while, felix is. not super pleased about being babyset
hes very short and a little bit rude but im sure he means well <3 autism
to pass time charlotte goes to sleep and felix jokes about taking readings of her dreams (hes a scientist also hes like 13) and right before charlotte sleeps theres this scary sequence where something its approacing her bed but it turns out to be her cat
whos also a maggot
the magcat
cut to whenever, charlotte hears a loud noise and wakes up, goes to look for felix and finds a giant tv, she jumps inside and ends up in the tv world
the tv world is a collection of different realms called channels that are inhabited by pythias
pythias are my little guys i fucking love pythias this is like only official art of all 3 pythias from the first game i talked about the one with white hair before
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white pythia -> librarian pythia -> bunny pythia
female pythias (freyas) have 3 eyes and male pythias have 4 (freis), some of them worship oracles but thats. second half stuff. im not gonna spoil the part of the game that takes itself seriously
anyways the first channel charlotte ends up in looks like this, its a satire of every rpg maker horror game ever and its blondie locks evil and fucked up version its called the teddy bear channel
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the pythia we meet here is the bunny freya btw
i think this is all im gonna say about ep 1, again this is a 3 game 2 spin off series and ep 1 is the most light hearted of them so EP 2&3 + DELIRIUM + HEAVENS GATE LIGHTNING ROUND
Hello Charlotte: Episode 2 - Requiem Aeternam Deo
cw - religious themes (as in stuff about gods like the oracles from before, no real world religions here if thats a concern), suicide themes, actual suicide, self harm alegory, bullying, whatever the fuck is going on in the endings
this one has a much, much more depressing atmosphere than the first game, i cant talk about charlotte in this game because it spoils literally the third to last scene of ep 1 but we have
Anri (Henrrieta)
charlotte's best friend! canonically bi and diagnosed as a bpd haver by my qpp
a boy who genuenly belives hes literally god and needs to get rid of this vessel to acheive his godhood again (translation: he wants to die), charlotte befriends this guy and ends up being bullied with him as a result
one of huxley's workers, she gives you a data cube of bennett she has as blackmail and the data on it is literally just all of his trauma lmao and also she looks like gumi like the vocaloid
Hello Charlotte: Episode 3 - Childhood's End
cw - religious themes (not real world religions) drugs, suicide, murder, overdose, a literal cult, genocide, rather unhealthy relationship, hallucination (the evil and fucked up kind), eyestrain
this game is complete whiplash from the other two because THIS CHARLOTTE (theres mutliple timelines, each one is a floor of the house) IS FUCKING EVIL, SHE RUNS A LITERAL CULT which is so definetly an alegory about cancel culture, oh everyone in universe hates her, shes the fandom's favorite girl
shes obsessed with the color white too for some reason, she also Knows she cant die and will just respawn and she Abuses That, giving us the iconic "Ah, she killed herself with a toothbrush" line
we also have the constant flip flopping between true and false realm so
False Realm
already talked about her
anri is again charlottes friend but charlotte is a grade A dick to her like oh my god this charlotte is. fucking evil (i say this as if it was surprising like she didnt have a tv program called execution hour where she kills people live on stream)
ill get to him :]
SHES BACK she has a breakdown/traumadump in the second half
True Realm
so this guy is like, god in the false realm (its blurry), a shape shifter, canonically genderfluid, sometimes he uses vincent as a vessel to go talk to charlotte in the false realm as C, also hes incredibly suicidal and has evil face blindness where everyone looks like they came out of tlou
a boy charles meets online and becomes very unhealthy in love with, literally the same as C from hc2
SHES IN THE TRUE REALM TOO people usually group her charles and vincent together as the "true realm trio", here shes pretty much the same as her false realm counterpart but also shes charles' girlfriend, iirc she loves charles way more than he loves her
oh. oh boy. scarlett
so, her actual first appearence is a single scene in ep2 where she jumps off the roof of the school
here shes charles' unborn sister, his mom seems to love scarlett way more than him even though she was never even born
charles has pretty bad hallucinations with her where she berates him around and is really really mean, like she tried to kill him mean, he takes like 10 pills at a time just to make her leave him alone for a couple hours
during the second half of the game she becomes real in the false realm and you play as her instead of charlotte and. buddy youre not ready for how this game ends lmao
Hello Charlotte: Delirium
cw - light? gore, mentions of torture
this is YET AGAIN ANOTHER TIMELINE, this charlotte doesnt know and doesnt give a shit about having a pupetters, shes anris girlfriend and theyre both fucking deranged and evil theyre so entertaining they find an intruder in the house and immediately black her out and take her to felix and bennett to do whatever the fuck they wanna do
they for some reason end up in a different world called "meat and machinery" world and things ensue its like half an hour and its plenty fun its also rather shitposty like the first game
Hello Charlotte: Heavens Gate
visual novel from charles' pov about him vincent and anri in the true realm :D sometimes it has stuff about the false realm and i recommend playing it after finishing eps 1 and 2 because it has stuff you wont understand and will get spoiled for if you play it early, also the whole game just wont make sense without the context of the true realm from ep3
also vincent starts a cult
i made the great choice of scrolling on pinterest looking for stuff to add to my yttd board and god fucking dammit im so fucking sad (spoilers) but it’s not fair it’s not fair why didn’t they all get to live none of them deserved to die no it’s not fair they all lived happily as best friends after this they didn’t die reject canon embrace denial i want them to live and be happy ITS NOT FAIR
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